Acid Reflux Pain Often Mistaken For Heart Attack
The potential health risks associated with untreated indigestion are well documented, but acid reflux pain should serve as a strong reminder of those suffering from it, that they need to do something to correct the condition. The acid reflux pain is usually caused by stomach acid being refluxed into the esophagus and irritating its lining. It is typically a severe burning sensation that will seldom subside on its own.
The use of antacid tablets or other over-the-counter medication can often lessen the severity of the acid reflux pain but if left to linger for days it is strong enough to burn a hole through the lining of the esophagus. Easing past the lower esophageal sphincter is common with acid reflux, but when it flows continually upwards and makes it way through the upper esophageal sphincter, the pain in the throat may spread into the larynx and can cause acid reflux pain to radiate in to the ears.
It is not uncommon for those with indigestion to experience such severe acid reflux pain that they mistake it for a heart attack. The burning in the lining of the esophagus is about even with the position of the heart and many experience similar heart attack symptoms. Even if the pain does not radiate into an arm or there is no feeling of tightness in the chest, it is always a smart move to seek emergency medical treatment just in case it is not caused by acid reflux.
Pain Is Body’s Notification System
Like most health issues, acid reflux pain is a means the body uses to communicate that there is a problem needing attention. While there is a direct cause for the pain with acid reflex, it is not always present. In the case of hidden indigestion, a person may not experience acid reflux pain in the stomach; rather they may have an uncontrollable cough or have to clear their throat frequently. If these symptoms persist, it is advisable to seek medical attention.
If left unchecked, acid that works its way into the throat can damage the voice box, vocal chords and cause acid reflux pain in the throat and ears. Remember that stomach acid is hydrochloric acid and even with a pH factor of five the esophagus may not shout out in pain, but a pH factor of five will cause distress to the more sensitive tissues in the mouth. It can also cause deterioration to the enamel on the teeth after prolonged exposure.