Frequent Heartburn – How To Get Frequent Heartburn Under Control
More than 15 million people are affected by frequent heartburn on a daily basis. When you are experiencing heartburn on a regular basis then the only course of action you should be considering is seeing your doctor.
A hoarse throat, sour taste in your mouth and what seems like a raging fire in your chest on a constant basis are sure signs frequent heartburn is at play.
The problem could be more serious than just heartburn. It’s a symptom of acid reflux and if you’ve been experiencing it for a long period of time then complications such as damage to your esophagus could have already started.
Modifying Your Lifestyle
Modifying your diet is naturally a good start but not the complete answer. Spicy foods, chocolate and alcohol are triggers which can lead to an episode. Sleeping habits need to be assessed; tight fitting clothes can trigger an attack and stress is another trigger which is often overlooked.
Your doctor will discuss these changes with you but more importantly, can recommended medication to help relieve your frequent heartburn. Yes, there are good natural remedies out there but are you using them and if you are, is the benefit you’re gaining from them worth it.
A combination of prescription medicine and natural remedies could be a solid course of action you can pursue and this is something you can discuss with your doctor.
Symptoms Of Acid Reflux
Heartburn is the most common system of acid reflux. Other symptoms include:
– if you have trouble swallowing
– if food is returning to your mouth after swallowing
– you suffer from a hoarse throat, coughing and wheezing
– you have a sour taste in your mouth
– you experience a burning sensation in the chest and belching
Another term for acid reflux is GERD. GERD is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease and is a serious condition. If any of the above symptoms are hampering your quality of life and worse still, occurring more than twice a week then something more sinister could be at play which requires medical attention.