Discover The Facts About Acne Causes
People who are plagued with acne have been aggressively teased and tormented, and shockingly christened with a name such as car crash face. Only those who have sadly suffered from acne can truly understand how heartlessly cruel such name calling can prove to be. Over time interesting enigmas have unveiled themselves in the symptoms and causes of acne which have also aided the formulation of effective treatments.
What Is Acne Really?
Acne is the name of an inflammatory skin disease commonly presenting itself in teenagers. Acne displays itself by the production of excess sebum in the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles which eventually become blocked. Acne can cause a malfunction in the follicles/pores in the skin of the face, arms and back as well as the chest. The blocked follicles and pores are medically known as comedo.
The comedone are the blockages in the pores which is a substance consisting of sebum and keratin. A comedo can be either open or closed. An open comedo is commonly referred to as a ‘blackhead’, and the closed comedo is commonly referred to as a ‘whitehead’.
Once a comedone has formed it is usually followed by the most unpleasant and noticeable symptom of acne – spots. First the comedone becomes infected and with this comes redness and inflammation in the skin, which then leads to an outbreak of spots. The spots often become filled with pus and the skin surrounding the zit looks very red and is sore to the touch.
There are two types of bacteria responsible for the inflammation and infection in acne, these are called Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis. As well as being responsible for the formation of pus filled pimples, acne abcesses and cysts can develop.
The Causes of Acne
Amazingly our Scientists have made great moves forward in the comprehension of the processes in the creation of, and the treatment of, acne. Upsettingly there has not been many advances in the understanding of why acne develops. Overall, it is usually accepted that a selection of things, for example hormones, stress, and diet can all play a role in the development of acne.
The are a huge number of scientist researching genetic aspects of acne. Even if they do not manage to find the exact causes we can be certain that the increased understanding of the disease will help in the creation of new treatments.