Getting Rid Of Back Acne Scar
Beating back acne is an achievement, but treating acne scar is a totally different story. Having acne on the back may seem to be less of a problem, but those who has it would attest to how painful and uncomfortable it is. In fact, women may even claim how such would diminish their confidence and suffer from poor body image particularly if such would be perceived to be a deformity that must modify social roles. One truth prevails and that is: back acne has no place in any one’s life. With such concern, what can one do about it?
A lot of people have back acne problems. There are a lot of safety measures but not all of them are guaranteed to work. It is important to look for help immediately and not to ignore the problem. If your condition is in worst state then you need professional help and remedies. Acnes that stayed for over 3 years are inclined to scarring meaning you will only have back acne scar if you neglect it.
Financial incapacity is not even acceptable because there are home remedies that can be used to treat acne to prevent or cure scarring. What one needs to find out are which home remedy can be used and how must these be prepared. Lemon, baking soda, and olive are some commonly used home solutions. The internet can be of help in gathering information, while the home and or even a garden can help in providing for ingredients. Even cosmeceutically prepared creams, serums and lotions can be researched first before embarking on spending on something that may not really help or meet expectations based on product claims. Tougher solutions like Roaccutane and Retin-A can be handled by the back acne rather than that of the facial acne because the skin at the back is tougher. If all efforts fail, then dermatological procedures may be considered such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, excision, keloid scar therapy and taking of various supplements. More invasive actions like laser treatment and surgery may be considered as your last choice. Not only are they more hefty on the pocket, they are also more risky.
Prevention is best but if back acne scar is there already, there is always hope.