Nutritional Back Acne Cures: What You Eat Impacts Your Skin Health
Back acne can really cause serious distress when a woman wants to go to a party in a sophisticated backless dress, or wishes to be in a Brazilian bikini at a summer beach party. While popular dermatology disagrees with some assertions that food has got something to do with acne formation, modern research shows that, indeed, what we eat today will determine how our skin looks like tomorrow. With that said, a wholesome, healthful diet can now be considered as vital part of any natural treatment program for acne. Here are a couple of nutritional back acne cures that can clear your skin and make you wear that backless dress or tankini like some Victoria’s secret model.
> There is nothing like eating all-natural, all-organic healthy food when it comes to back acne cures. Clean up your diet now before things get uglier. Avoid ready-to-eat food items that contain artificial flavorings or preservatives. Since the skin is the largest organ of the body, it is just but reasonable to think that it needs good nutrition to be healthy and blemish-free.
> Lower your consumption of fatty foods, especially those that contain Trans fatty acid just like margarine. Your skin can also get contaminated with saturated fats, much in the same way that your heart can get congested with insoluble fats.
> Drink at least eight glasses or two liters of water each day. Choose water over high-sugar sodas or caffeinated drinks to prevent flare-ups.
> Along with fats, sugar, and dairy, iodine is yet another nutrient that has been shown to contribute to acne formation. You therefore have to control your intake of table salt and other iodine-rich products.
> Choose fresh fruits for your in-between meals snack. Powerful antioxidants found in fresh fruits include Vitamins A, C, and E.
> To prevent or reduce bacterial infection, consider adding more garlic and onions in your diet and supplement it with lecithin granules or capsules and Zinc.
One can easily do away with back acne with these easy-to-follow nutritional back acne cures. If you think that some foods might be causing your back acne to worsen, try to cut it out of your diet and see what happens after a week or two.