Gardasil® Is Not A Genital Warts Medication, But A Vaccine That Protects You From HPV
Genital warts may not hurt much in the beginning. Therefore, many people leave them untreated until they enlarge or spread out on a large area and begin to create problem for them. Sometimes though they regress on their own, but most of the times, they become enlarged and raised. They may also multiply into cauliflower-shaped clusters or even ulcerate. Therefore, start looking for ways to remove genital warts as soon as you realise that you have been infected with HPV.
Watrol, a homeopathic wart removal medication, takes up more of a holistic approach. Just put the prescribed doses under the tongue and the medicine will slowly integrate into the bloodstream to start its work in the effected area. You will be able to see the improvement within weeks, but you need take it for 6 months at a stretch to eliminate the virus. The warts keep reappearing unless the system can be made free from the human papillomavirus completely. Not many medications are capable of doing that. Moreover, the warts so removed do not leave any scars or cause any type of depigmentation.
Take Watrol for six months at least for total eradication of the genital warts along with its roots. You do not need to wait that long to witness improvement in your condition. The visible warts that caused so much pain will disappear within five weeks at the most. Warts removed in this process will not leave any scar or cause any kind of depigmentation. Neither will they reappear because the medicine is capable of eradicating the HPV that caused the warts in the first place. Dermisil is also very good, but has been ranked second based on the survey result.
Whatever mode of treatment you take be sure to have patience and carry on your genital warts treatment methodically. Follow the instructions to the letter, just as you have been told. There is no short cut to success here, no magic pills that will cure your genital warts overnight. Select the one that suits you most and be mentally prepared to go through the whole length. Many patients avoid going to the doctor out of embarrassment, but buy the medications online. Although some online medication is good, you need to go to the doctor once at least to have it diagnosed properly. May be the growth you have are something else, not genital warts.
The findings in the area of genital warts have revealed that this infection has emerged as a type of sexually transmitted disease. Safe sex or no sex at all until warts are not treated is recommended to stop transmission of infection to the sexual partner. Genital warts treatment is therefore not limited to medicine intake or surgery only. Prevention plays pivotal role in having control over it. According to research findings nearly two dozen wart infections float and can affect anybody prone to genital warts. These infections attack genital areas hence they can easily pass on to other person through sex.
Warts are controlled, suppressed and eliminated by applying result oriented genital warts medication. Podopfilox lotion or gel is one of the medicines which sufferers themselves can apply at the privacy of their homes. This medicine must be applied twice a day for 3 days and stopping it for four days to assess result. This unique treatment cycle must be repeated for at least one month. Although it is best suited for home treatment but it has some side effects too.
Imiquimod and Sinecatechins are some other groups of medicines that can be applied at home by the patient. Many other genital warts treatments need to be applied by the doctor or somebody trained. Cryosurgery, which involves freezing off the warts with liquid nitrogen is said to be the safest. Laser ablation is more expensive, but not necessary more effective. Electrocautery is more effective, but it takes time to heal and requires application of full anaesthesia. It is therefore not really favoured by many. Injecting Interferon directly on the warts, though more expensive is preferred by many because it addresses the core issue, i.e., the elimination of the HPV from the system.
As it is said, prevention is better than cure. Unfortunately, unless you can abstain totally from sex, you can hardly save yourself from the virus because you can never be sure that your partner is free from HPV. Therefore, it often becomes necessary to take vaccination. HPV has many strains. Gardasil® can protect you from strain 6 and 11 that cause ninety percent of the genital warts cases. Therefore, if you take Gardasil®, you can protect yourself from the Condylomata acuminata, the medical name for genital warts to a large extent.
Article by Matthew McMillan of, a website with the best removal of genital warts information on the web.