Effective Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s
Is there such as thing as an effective drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease? To make that determination we must look at the disease itself. Basically, there are two types of drugs that are used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s: drugs that treat the cognitive symptoms, such as memory problems or other mental deficits; and drugs that treat the behavioral symptoms, which can be categorized as anti-agitation drugs.
Although the current drug treatments for Alzheimer’s is not all together very effective, scientists continue to research new and more advanced treatments to help alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and to help prevent the onset of the disease. These include drugs that help halt or reverse the processes of Alzheimer’s disease. None of the current drugs are able to do this. Also, the current drugs have a sedating effect which scientists are trying to eliminate with the anti-agitation drugs. Some current drugs are: NSAIDs, Naloxone, Rivastigmine, Selegiline, and Tacrine.
What New Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease is Being Tested?
There are many new types of drugs being tested, or are currently going through clinical trials, that are being used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Drugs that are being studied focus on three major areas of treatment: cognitive function; the slowing or delaying of the onset of, or prevention of, Alzheimer’s; and behavioral problems.
The following are some of the new drugs for treatment of Alzheimer’s: Estrogen, Valproate, Huperzine A, Galantamine Hydrobromide, MPC-7869, AAB-001, SB-742457, Namenda, Memantine, Aricept, Donepezil, Rosiglitazone, Lecozotan SR (SRA-333), Interferon Alpha, AVP-923, and Curcumin.
Other Types of Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
Other drugs used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s are to treat any co-existing medical conditions that may affect the overall health of the Alzheimer’s patient. These can include drugs to treat depression, arthritis pain, urinary infections, or other physical problems. These drugs could be anti-depressants or antibiotics to treat the underlying health problems.
Be sure to carefully watch your loved one, as there are other health problems that can increase the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. So it is important to consult a physician, and always remember that the Alzheimer’s patient may not be able to effectively communicate their health problems. This makes regular visits to a physician an important part of the Alzheimer’s treatment process. The last thing anyone wants is for their loved one to suffer more than they have to.