Three Methods in Conducting Alzheimer’s Research
There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, but experimental Alzheimer’s research, with promising results, is being conducted. This research includes treatment through caloric intake, vaccines and practical measures to aid those in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s.
Decrease Caloric Intake
In conducting Alzheimer’s research it is important to thoroughly investigate each possibility in combating Alzheimer’s disease. One such research option includes the effects that decreasing one’s food intake and subsequent caloric intake has upon Alzheimer’s disease.
A laboratory study conducted upon mice indicated that a decrease in calories helped produce a specific protein that protected the brain from Alzheimer’s disease. The findings of this Alzheimer’s research were based upon two groups of mice. The first group of mice ate what they wanted without restriction. The second group of mice ate 30 percent less food.
Six months later the brains of the mice were examined. The findings indicated that the mice, fed 30 percent less food, contained higher levels of a specific protein. This protein was found to work against the aging process. Furthermore, upon examination, these groups of mice were also found to have significantly lower amounts of plaque and even indicated a reversal of plaque buildup. The lower amounts of plaque were attributed to the lesser quantities of calories ingested by the mice and the subsequent production of the aging fighting protein.
Chemical studies are also an integral part in Alzheimer’s research. An experimental vaccine was administered in 2003. The purpose of this vaccine was to introduce a protein that would create a plaque buildup within the brain. The successful results anticipated were that the immune system would be trained to concentrate on this protein and expel the protein that caused the plaque build-up. Unfortunately, first experiments with a vaccine failed resulting in an adverse affect that caused a swelling of the brains in laboratory mice.
However, a new vaccine has been developed for research purposes. The results have been encouraging with the immune system attacking the plaque producing protein as anticipated. In addition, no adverse effects have been experienced by the mice.
Memory Kits
Finally, Alzheimer’s research has been conducted through the use of tangible and stimulating material items both to the touch as well as visually. Alzheimer’s research indicates that soft foam balls, supple blankets and teddy bears are an important part of the therapy for Alzheimer’s patients. It is an important part of Alzheimer’s research directed towards those individuals who are in the latter stages of Alzheimer’s. The results show that these items offer a diversion for patients who are anxious and distraught resulting in a calming affect for the patients.
Additionally, the use of aromatherapy has been determined to be of great help. The scent of lavender has been shown to be a great reliever of stress which is one of the major symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients.