No Common Celiac Disease Symptoms
[widget id=”ad_unit-350545263″]Ad Widget: Gluten Free – 468×60 Banner[/widget]Celiac Disease used to be called “wheat allergy” and then “gluten intolerance”. It has been increasingly getting media coverage as more and more people are coming forward for help with their digestive troubles. Fifty years ago, who would have thought that over three million Americans would stop being able to digest wheat? Another reason Celiac Disease seems to have suddenly come out of nowhere is that there are no common Celiac Disease symptoms. Since everyone is different, even their Celiac Disease symptoms usually are different, too.
When To Go To The Doctor
One of the most common of Celiac Disease symptoms (if there was ever one to be called “common”) is an irritable bowel. Your intestines aren’t just irritable, they’re downright ticked off. This leads to menstrual-severe cramps in any sex, diarrhea and bloating. But there are Celiacs (the name given to those who have Celiac Disease) who show no gastrointestinal problems at all.
However, these people get other more subtle Celiac Disease symptoms such as mouth sore, sudden weight loss even when your appetite is strong, anemia, osteoporosis and very strange gray bowel movements that smell really bad. These are not only Celiac Disease symptoms, but may be symptoms of other problems like parasites, ulcers and Crohn’s Disease.
If any of these symptoms persist for two weeks or more, go to the doctor. While you are waiting for the appointment, you could experiment by eliminating all gluten laden foods from your diet. That means nothing made of grain flour. No wheat, no pasta, no pastries, no cookies, not even beer if the flour or brewing process is derived from grains such as wheat, oats, rye and barley. If your health improves, that might be a big clue that your previous health problems were Celiac Disease symptoms.
Celiac Disease symptoms will not go away on their own, even if you keep to a strict gluten-free diet. A Celiac has problems not only digesting food, but may become severely malnourished in the process and develop even more symptoms and problems. This is one reason why osteoporosis is considered in the list of Celiac Disease symptoms. Although it is a problem in and of itself, if you are malnourished, your body will cannibalize your bones, muscles and hair in order to survive.
With a correct and precise diagnosis, you can get the affects of any disorders or pains worked on as well as being given diet changes and medications, if needed, to soothe the various specific aches and pains you may have. Celiac Disease is treatable, but the sooner you get it treated, the sooner you can go back to a better quality of life.[widget id=”text-2″]Text: Shop the Gluten Free Mall 475×150[/widget]