Symptoms Of Juvenile Diabetes Explained
Because juvenile diabetes is a condition that occurs quite suddenly you will do well to learn about the symptoms of juvenile diabetes well in time so as to be forearmed and forewarned about what symptoms might affect you. When juvenile diabetes occurs the body witnesses destruction of cells that produce insulin which as you may or may not know is a hormone entrusted with the task of keeping blood sugar levels at or close to normal levels.
Frequent Bathroom Visits
To understand the symptoms of juvenile diabetes it is first of all necessary to learn about how juvenile diabetes as a disease manifests itself. Most young children aged below sixteen are at considerable risk of developing juvenile diabetes (the name for Type 1 diabetes in children). Among the common symptoms of juvenile diabetes you can also add having to frequently visit the bathroom at the head of the list. The reason why you may have to go to the bathroom so often is that when you have high blood sugar your body will see excessive blood being filtered into its kidneys and this means that you will find yourself being forced into urinating more frequently.
Another common symptoms of juvenile diabetes is feeling excessively thirsty at all times and the reason for this symptom developing is that when you urinate too frequently your body will get dehydrated very fast – leading to feeling constantly thirst.
Yet another symptom of juvenile diabetes is feeling hungry all the time and also feeling like you have to continue eating all the time. When your body does not produce sufficient insulin it causes excess of glucose to remain in the bloodstream and this starves the cells of required energy leading to their poor performance and that in turn causes a diabetic to feel hungry all the time.
Not every symptoms of juvenile diabetes is apparent because some of the symptoms that you might notice are those that are common to every child including feeling nauseous and having bouts of vomiting that are symptoms of juvenile diabetes that can easily be mistaken for being symptoms of flu.
Vision changes too are commonly described as symptoms of juvenile diabetes and the same is the case when a person’s breath starts to smell sweet.
Without a doubt, a juvenile diabetic should seriously consider creating a juvenile diabetes diet because the foods and drinks that they consume will directly affect their blood sugar levels. Such diets can also help to control the diabetic’s blood pressure and in addition they can also help in maintaining the right body weight.
In this eBook, you are going to learn the 21 Diabetic Myths that many people may have heard and learn the truth about each of them.
I hope you gain some benefit from reading this short eBook. Many of the myths worry folks when they first become diagnosed as a diabetic.