How A Kettlebell Cardio Workout Makes You Healthy
A lot of health conscious people are searching for physical conditioning regimen that can make them healthy and strong. Typical exercises like running, cycling, swimming,and aerobics are possible but lack challenge to some people. The body easily adapts to periods of workout after some time;as a result, the routines become uninteresting later. A kettlebell cardio workout can motivate you to start reaching for your fitness goals again.
Kettlebell Cardio workout can provide you three things: power, strenghth and enhanced stamina. A practical feature of this kettlebell cardio workout is that you only need a kettlebell.
Kettlebells actually came all the way from Russia; back then, it was used by participants in strongman competitions during a fair. The kettlebell is made of solid cast iron and takes the shape of a cannon ball. The handles are grasped firmly so the kettlebell can be swung or lifted. The use of the lowly kettlebell evolved since it was utilized in military training of special forces and martial arts. Today, the equipment is the most valuable tool for kettlebell cardio workout.
One can derive many health benefits from a kettlebell cardio workout. As a start, swinging kettlebells can make you really strong. A very fundamental movement in this exercise involves swinging the kettlebell on a half-squat position, then using glutes to propel the body. Even a few repetition of this exercise can lead to muscle development in the posterior area of your body. Certain areas like hamstrings would develop much flexibility; plus, your back would be strong. Not to mention, the abdominal area can also have a good workout.
It is not only strength that is being developed using kettlebell cardio workout; in fact, it also provides good cardio workout. Kettlebell routines can be considered intense because you are moving around while carrying some weight. Sprinters and runners who used kettlebell during their training has greatly enhanced their performance by as much as 30%.
For ordinary individuals, they can use kettlebell workouts as main cardio exercise or integrate it into a circuit training. Increase the challenge by performing some cardio routines in between kettlebell swings. Once you have achieved proficiency in a kettlebell cardio workout, you would easily reach your fitness goals. Kettlebell cardio workout done twice a week for thirty minutes can help you shed fat within a month.