Tips On How To Get Pregnant With Tubes Tied
A lot of women have a few children and then decide to get their tubes tied. If these women then decide after the procedure that they do want another child, while it can be quite challenging it is possible. To learn how to get pregnant with tubes tied, there are a few things for women to know. Some women have gotten pregnant after having their tubes tied because a small section of the fallopian tubes grew back together.
When part of the fallopian tubes grow back after having the tubal ligation procedure, eggs can still travel through the tubes and get fertilized by sperm. Women can also get pregnant with a ectopic pregnancy although this is not a successful pregnancy because the baby won’t be able to grow full-term. This is a condition in which an egg is fertilized but implants itself somewhere other than the uterus. The baby is unable to get nutrition when outside of the uterus.
Due to the fact that the egg is not in the uterus, it’s unable to get the nutrition it needs to grow and develop normally. Most ectopic pregnancies must be terminated as soon as possible in the best interest of the woman. Women who want to know how to get pregnant with tubes tied should know that while there is a good chance they can get pregnant with their tubes still tied, going through with a reverse tubal ligation procedure is going to offer them the best chances of success. This procedure is known as reverse tubal ligation and can allow a woman to have children after having her tubes tied.
Of course just as with any other type of procedure, there are risks and complications that can arise as a result of this procedure. They are going to take a few factors into consideration including your health and age, to determine whether or not you’re an eligible candidate for the procedure. The procedure involves a rejoining of the segments of the fallopian tubes which were separated in the original procedure. Certain women are more suited for this procedure than others, and there are even some who may be turned down for the procedure.
Age is one of the main factors that doctors consider when trying to decide on the reverse tubal ligation procedure for a woman. Women over the age of 38 may not be candidates for the procedure not only because the risks and possible complications are greater but also because even if the procedure does go well the likelihood of pregnant at this age is slim. Women who are interested in learning how to get pregnant after their tubes have been tied should start by talking to their doctor. They are the professionals here and can offer all the information and answers a woman is looking for.