Possible Hypoglycemia Causes In Adults
Many individuals are affected by hypoglycemia, a health condition wherein blood sugar or blood glucose drop to low levels. Primarily, adults normally have 70 milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood; unfortunately, some factors can affect blood sugar level which leads to hypoglycemia. The symptoms of hypoglycemia can affect the well-being of a person, enough to make him to stop doing anything. Manifestations of this condition includes confusion, dizziness, hunger, weakness in extremities, difficulty in thinking and speech, headache among many others.Hypoglycemia produces most of these symptoms whenever the brain needs more sugar which is an important source of fuel for the brain. The incidence of hypoglycemia can also be associated with diabetes since insulin production is impaired which cause irregular blood sugar levels. Nevertheless, hypoglycemia does not mean one has diabetes all the time because there are other factors to consider. Understand various hypoglycemia causes as explained in this article.
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Diabetes and hypoglycemia causes low blood sugar
Actually, a large percentage of people affected by hypoglycemia also have diabetes. The main classification of diabetes are: Type 1 and Type 2. In type 1, the supply of insulin is quite inadequate for the body ; in type 2, insulin sensitivity is blunt. Regardless of what type, insulin is needed to counter-act the diabetes problem. Nonetheless, having too much insulin is also not advisable because it can lead to hypoglycemia -balance is needed. Some people with diabetes do sometimes miss their meals and get really hungry ;hence, their hypoglycemia causes blood sugar to drop at critically low levels which is dangerous.As long as you experiences symptoms of this condition, first thing to do is see a doctor to get correct diagnosis.
Why hypoglycemia causes low blood sugar without diabetes
In this case, we have two kinds of hypoglycemia: fasting hypoglycemia and reactive hypoglycemia. Reactive hypoglycemia occurs when a person feels the symptoms within two hours after eating a heavy meal. when it comes to fasting hypoglycemia, causes could be strenuous activity or fasting that causes hunger. Several medications such as quinine ( for malaria) can also cause hypoglycemia so be aware of this. Another factor that leads to this condition is consuming too much alcohol, which must be minimized. Alcohol makes the liver work hard ; it gets you dehydrated and hypoglycemic at the same time. Some medical conditions such as endocrine disorders can also cause hypoglycemia.
Indeed,hypoglycemia causes can be related or not to diabetes. Doctors always provide the correct diagnosis for any health condition.