Is It Advisable To Get Pregnant After Forty
These days, most women feel that forties are now new thirties, and it is not too late to have babies. However, after forty, the fertility level of a woman drops significantly, and risk of malformations in the fetus is higher. Getting pregnant after 40 can be quite discouraging and daunting task form many women as there are many misconceptions regarding starting a family late in life. Though the trends are changing, there are definitely many advantages of conceiving at the early age.
Most couples trying to have baby in later parts of their lives find it extremely hard to conceive. Taking drugs, alcohol and smoking reduce the chances of getting pregnant and may also lead to premature birth, miscarriages and low-birth weight babies. The main area of concern if trying to become pregnant after 40 is the higher chances of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome. Dealing with pregnancy later in life leaves woman with many mixed emotions.
There are definitely certain advantages of having babies late in your life, as this gives you enough time and opportunity to see the world. Waiting to have children has some financial benefits, and working women save enough money every year for their kids, and are also more likely to return to their jobs after maternity leave, offering more financial security. Some of the symptoms of both pregnancy and menopause are missed periods, fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination or incontinence and tender and painful breasts. To have a baby after 40, a woman will have to consider many aspects regarding raising a child including her lifestyle, impact on the existing family, her future plans, and her finances.
Being more relaxed and confident is a big plus for the motherhood, and having more life experience under your belt brings maturity and better parenting skills. Most common genetic problem is Down syndrome, and additional tests must be done to determine if the fetus has any kind of genetic abnormality or not. There are also emotional benefits for couples who wait to have children as they are more focused on their children. However, the fact remains that it is very difficult for women to get pregnant with their own eggs when they are in their late forties, and using the donor eggs boosts the chances of getting pregnant.
Tubal ligation reversal increases the chances of having the natural pregnancy after 40.