Indoor And Outdoor Tanning – The Myths And Facts
Traditionally, we get a tan by basking in the sun’s rays but this kind of method has been proven dangerous to our skin and our health.
Fortunately, tanning solutions are now available in the market so that we can avoid sun exposure and endure those dangerous UV rays which are major causes of skin cancer.
Self-tanning is the safest alternative to having that pretty skin glow you’ve always wanted. This is simply because these products have been created to produce that tanning glow but also to give you protection from the sun. Today, these kinds of products are very trendy.
Despite the fact that more and more people are convinced about tanning products being healthier substitutes, there are still common beliefs about self-tanning. Some say it is harmful although some say it is preferable than sitting under the sun. The following are four myths regarding indoor tanning:
1. Myth: Tanning products causes skin to become fried when the user stays under the sunlight for a particular time period.
That is an absurd idea. Good tanning items are, in fact, equipped with UV protection ingredients so they can’t possibly trigger skin color frying.
2. Myth: Tanning beds in salons can be a source of viruses causing some diseases such AIDS.
AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease and can only be transmitted by an exchange in bodily fluids. If you choose to go to a salon, pick one that is sanitary where you can get a tan.
3. Myth: Indoor tanning can cause Melanoma.
Melanoma is actually caused by excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays.
4. Myth: Exposing oneself towards direct sunlight can cause skin cancer
Many factors can cause skin cancer. The two main causes are not even related to the environment. These two culprits are diet and genetics. However, too much sun exposure can cause different skin conditions and those who stay under the sun for a prolonged period of time may get skin cancer. But a normal sun exposure can’t do any damage.
Indoor and outdoor tanning give the same result. However, there are benefits and disadvantages. Tanning with products might cause uneven tanning when not carried out according to particular instructions. Getting the procedure carried out by a professional will certainly help. Getting a tan from a salon will cost more than getting out in the sunlight but it’s generally safer.
Today, salons use different kinds of tanning products. These products include lotions, gels and sprays. These products can’t be marketed without the approval of the government agency concerned, thus, the chemicals in these products are safe and effective.