Acid Reflux and Alkaline Diet Cures
Acid reflux is generally thought to be caused by over production of acid in the stomach which can in turn seep back into the esophagus and throat causing a burning sensation amongst other things. There are many cures for acid reflux such as an alkaline diet and detoxification, never mind over the counter and prescription medications so there is no reason that minor or irregular acid reflux should be a serious problem. Even those who suffer from this condition on a regular basis can benefit from an alkaline diet and natural cures that work against acid reflux. An alkaline diet generally consists of mild and bland foods that are not acidic in order to restore the balance in the production of stomach acids.
An alkaline diet and other natural cures for acid reflux can consist of foods like milk, bananas, lettuce and many raw fruits and vegetables such as cucumber and broccoli. By simply devising a diet that is rich in alkaline foods, acid reflux can at the very least be curbed but continual use of such a diet can even eliminate the effects of acid reflux altogether. As acid reflux can be caused by a couple of underlying problems, an effective alkaline diet and cure for acid reflux should be an individually assessed plan as certain foods can be quite effective with one person yet trigger a bout of acid reflux with the next. It is important to slowly reintroduce foods into the diet so that any possible problems with certain foods can be recognized in order to eliminate them from the diet in future.
Beating Acid Reflux and Heartburn with an Alkaline Diet
It is quite possible to beat acid reflux and heartburn with an alkaline diet. Many advocates of an alkaline diet say that an initial detoxification stage can be necessary. This can mean that a sufferer of acid reflux should stick to a strict diet of bland foods with as little variety as possible to effectively restore the internal balance in the body. Some choose to consume smoothies for two to three days but for others simply eating healthy foods without any seasonings or flavorings can control the effects of heartburn. Cutting out alcohol, nicotine, fatty and acidic foods are all essential steps to take in order to beat acid reflux and heartburn with an alkaline diet. Ingredients such as garlic should be introduced back into the diet slowly as they can be quite useful against acid reflux but over consumption can trigger over production of stomach acids.