Acid Reflux Medications And Other Alternatives
Acid reflux disease has many painful symptoms, from heartburn, to regurgitation, to nausea. The consequences of leaving many of these symptoms untreated can be dire, and even deadly. The good news is that there are many ways that acid reflux disease can be treated and managed.
One of the main ways to treat acid reflux disease is by acid reflux medications.
There are three main types of acid reflux medications, each with a different purpose. These acid reflux medications are antacids, H2 Blockers, and PPI drugs. Additionally, there are alternative treatment methods for acid reflux disease that can be just as effective as acid reflux medications, if not more so.
Acid Reflux Medications
The first classification of acid reflux medication is antacids. Antacids are intended to neutralize the acids in your stomach. However, they are merely a temporary solution to the problem of acid reflux because they only relieve the pain for a few hours. Additionally, antacids contain harmful ingredients, such as aluminum and sodium.
H2 Blockers are the next type of acid reflux medication. The purpose of H2 Blockers is to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach by blocking the chemical that produces the acid, which is called histamine. H2 Blockers are considered a better option than antacids because they provide longer lasting relief.
The last group of acid reflux medications is PPI drugs, or proton pump inhibitors. PPI drugs relieve acid reflux symptoms by stopping the stomach’s proton pumps, which make hydrochloric acid, from working. However, there are some medical concerns associated with PPI drugs, and it is not recommended that you use PPI drugs for longer than eight weeks.
Other Alternatives
There are several other alternatives to acid reflux medications that can be just as effective. One option is to make lifestyle changes that will lessen your symptoms. Changing your diet and making the decision to stop smoking are two such changes you could possibly make.
Additionally, surgery might be an option for some people whose symptoms are severe and who have tried other treatment methods with little or no success. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for surgery.
Picking And Choosing
There are many different choices when it comes to acid reflux medications. So how do you know what medication is right for you? The ability of a medication to work for you depends on your symptoms and their severity. You should talk to your doctor before taking any type of medication. He or she might be able to recommend which medication would best rid you of your symptoms—what more could you want?