Homeopathic Remedy For Acid Reflux Not Long Term Cure
Many people who suffer from acid reflux may not be amenable to taking medications and seek out a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux. Those suffering from acid reflux should consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis of the cause, as extended periods of acid leaking into the esophagus can damage its lining as well as causing other problems such as a damaged vocal chords and throat.
The throat and voice box are more easily damaged by stomach acid than the esophagus is, and can be damaged even if the person has no symptoms of acid reflux. To find an appropriate homeopathic remedy for acid reflux it is important to understand the cause. Typically, the lower esophagus sphincter muscle is to blame, as it is allowing the stomach content to reflux into the esophagus and the acid in the stomach irritates the lining. However, a hiatal hernia may also cause severe heartburn with symptoms similar to a heart attack.
As with many recommended homeopathic remedy for acid reflux what works for one person may not work for another. Different people have varied tolerances for herbal cures, and it should be remembered that the term homeopathic should not be confused with natural. Most natural cures are considered food items and using them more frequently than recommended may not pose any health risks.
Homeopathy Treats Entire Body For Symptoms
Chamomile, fennel and ginger root are some of the most common natural herbs used as a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux but before beginning any regimen for indigestion contacting a professional to insure the cure will not cause additional symptoms is always advised. As with all homeopathic remedies, it should be realized that the intent is to treat the entire body and the effects of a specific ailment.
If a person is using a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux and the symptoms seem to disappear, replaced by other problems, such as hoarseness in the throat, coughing or the need to constantly clear the throat, it may be a sign of what is termed silent acid reflux. The pH level of 5.0 is enough to harm the throat tissues while not causing acid reflex symptoms in the esophagus. It is important to contact a medical professional for these or other symptoms related to acid reflex.
Left untreated acid reflex can cause long-term health problems such as developing caner of the esophagus or larynx and continued use of proton pump inhibitors can slow the body’s digestive process.