What Is The Best Diet For Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable, and if you are one of the many people who suffer from this terrible ailment, then you should know that your diet is most likely largely at fault. After all, what you eat greatly affects the intensity of your acid reflux. So if you are prone to this type of ailment you really want to make sure that you understand what the best diet for acid reflux is and stick to it as best you can.
Understanding The Best Diet For Acid Reflux
When it comes to the best diet for acid reflux, there are basically ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ foods, safe being the foods that are not likely to aggravate your acid reflux and unsafe foods being those food items you should steer clear of as much as possible.
Fruits, such as apples, bananas, pears, peaches, kiwi, grapefruit, and watermelon, are all safe foods, as are vegetables such as broccoli, baked potatoes, cabbage, carrots, green beans, yellow beans, and peas. Most meat is safe to eat if you suffer from acid reflux, such as ground beef, steak, chicken breast, as are egg whites and fish. Grains are okay, for instance cereal, corn bread, graham crackers, pretzels, rice, and rice cakes.
However, just as important as those foods that you should include in your best diet for acid reflux, are those foods that you shouldn’t. There are actually quite a few different foods that should be avoided if you suffer from acid reflux, such as oranges and tomatoes, because the acidity in these is liable to aggravate the acid in your stomach. Pasta is also often troublesome, as is liquor, wine, coffee, tea, salad dressing, and sweets and desserts that are high in sugars and fats.
Sticking To The Best Diet For Acid Reflux
Although it may seem hard at first to have to give up some of your favorite foods, the results will be more than worth it. As well, there are plenty of methods that you can use in order to get yourself to actually stick to the diet. For one, you can come up with some fun and creative recipes using the safe foods and whip a different one up each night in order to keep it interesting, and you can also set goals and rewards for yourself. For instance, say that if you make it through a week without eating any unsafe foods, you can treat yourself to one dessert or ‘unsafe’ snack on the weekend.