Facts About Wheat Allergies
Many people complain about suffering from allergies. Food allergies seem to be an ever increasing health problem. The fact about food allergies is that many are not true allergies but simply an intolerance to a certain type of food. In recent years often people complain about wheat allergy. The truth about wheat allergies is that only a very small percent of the population suffers a true wheat allergy.
Most people with complaints against wheat have an intolerance to wheat but not an allergy. An allergic response to wheat and wheat products will come on suddenly for the patient and can be life threatening. The person may suffer anaphylactic type symptoms such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, coughing, and projectile vomiting. A person having an allergic response to wheat will need immediate medical attention to prevent serious complications and possibly death.
Diagnosing A Wheat Allergy
If a person suspects that they are allergic to wheat or wheat products they should see their doctor as soon as possible. The doctor can perform a simple blood test to determine if there is a true allergy. This is important to do so that steps can be taken to prevent exposure to wheat and thus an allergic response. Knowledge of the allergy is the best measure to treating the allergy.
Even very small children may have wheat allergies and their parents will need to take steps toward getting them diagnosed. A child may not understand the diagnosis but parents and the physician can begin to teach adaptations to a different life style early in the child’s life.
Treating A Wheat Allergy
The only treatment for a true wheat allergy is to completely avoid wheat in the diet. This may seem simple and easily undertaken but is very complex. Wheat is in many foods in the American diet. Of course, the basic foods to avoid are grain products such as bread, cereal, and pasta. The allergy sufferer will also have to avoid cakes, cookies, crackers and pies. Wheat may also be in many canned foods.
Wheat is often used as a thickener so foods such as soups, gravies and sauces need to be avoided. Some drinks such as beer and root beer will probably contain wheat products. The list goes on and on for foods which may contain wheat. A person with wheat allergy would be wise to consult a registered dietician for diet alterations which will prevent an allergic reaction and will also maintain a healthy well rounded diet.