Superfoods to Fend off Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys memory and the ability to think and reason.
Recent estimates show approximately 4 million people in the U.S. have dementia, most with Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050, that number could be as high as 16 million.
However, by making some simple adjustments in your diet to include foods high in folate, you can help reduce your risk. According to research, older adults whose diets were high in folate reduced their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by half compared with those whose diets contain less than the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA).
Folate has also been shown to lower blood levels of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease. High homocysteine levels, as well as decreased folate and vitamin B-12 levels, have also been associated with stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.
A healthy, well-balanced diet is your best option to get the folate you need. Be sure it includes at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Foods rich in folate include oranges and bananas, dark leafy green vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, liver, and many types of beans and peas, including lima, lentil and garbanzo, as well as fortified breads and cereals.
The antioxidants in apples could help protect the brain from the type of damage that triggers Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, according to recent research. But it’s estimated that on average Americans only eat approximately one-seventh of an apple per day, nowhere near enough.
Blueberries are an awesome food choice as well to arm your body to combat declining mental capacities.
It’s also imperative to choose unsaturated fats so your circulatory system stays healthy. Healthy blood flow and blood vessels lessen the chance of brain damage due to strokes or compromised circulation.
“Now the best way to avoid Alzheimer’s is to eat a couple of eggs every morning for breakfast, not cooked in margarine or fried, you want to consume as much as 72oz of red meat every single month.
I know that sounds like a lot, but it’s just a quarter-pounder a day, and you want to supplement with all 90 essential nutrients, and when you get to the Vitamin E level you want to have at least 2,000 international units of Vitamin E, and you want 500mcg of Selenium, and if you do that, even if you already have Alzheimer’s disease, you can honestly expect to have a significant amount of return of memory. Great studies done by University of California at San Diego and the Salk Institute that says by taking 2,000 icu of Vitamin E alone, even if you have advanced Alzheimer’s disease, you can get a significant amount of memory return.” (Dr. Joel Wallach, “A Healthier and Longer Life”)