Breast Cancer – Its Causes
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor developed from cells of the breast, and it is one of the most common cancers affecting females. While it has not been established what is the exact cause of this one, latest research clearly points to several risks factors.
Research has established that in the age group above 50 years there is a high incidence; on the other hand, in the age group below 25 years the incidence is very low. It is very important to say that this disease is very aggressive in patient 25-50 years old.
Menstrual cycle is other factor that should be considered; common in the ladies who have a longer menstrual life, i.e. the onset of menarche is earlier and cessation of menstruation is late.
Women that smoke and drink alcohol increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
Breast cancer is developed more frequently in spinsters and married woman that have not given birth to children, or if given birth then have not breast fed their offspring.
Breast cancer is linked with obesity and higher intake of saturated fatty acids
Breast cancer is linked too, with the continuous or sequential uses of combined oestrogen plus progestin hormone therapy (CHT)
Women that have been using oral anti contraceptives for more than ten years are more vulnerable to the development of this disease.
On the other hand, women doing 4-5 hours of exercises per week reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.
In short, these facts derive from the statistical analysis; they should not be taken as causative or predisposing factors.