Diet for Type 2 Diabetes
The most common form of diabetes is Type 2 Diabetes.
If the body does not recognize insulin or the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, then Type 2 diabetes occurs. Type 2 Diabetics are in danger of heart diseases, vision difficulties, circulatory problems, stroke and even cognitive deficits. One should know about the proper type 2 Diabetes diet considering food intake directly affects diabetes because of the inability of the body to stabilize proper sugar levels. Sticking to the proper type 2 diabetes diet helps in maintaining the proper blood sugar levels and it reduces the risk of complications brought about by the illness.
The most important meal for a diabetic is breakfast so that they can prevent any fluctuations of their blood sugar. Preferably, the type 2 diabetic breakfast diet should be ¾ quarters of a cup of cereal that has high quantities of bran. Strawberries or apples can be added for some taste and flavor. Low fat milk should be consumed together with the cereals and fruits. One can also spread peanut butter on a whole wheat bread and consume it with a banana and a glass of tea.
For lunch, the type 2 Diabetes diet should be a mixture of carbohydrates, vegetables and fats that should maintain the blood sugar levels at a steady rate. Start with vegetable soup together with high fiber crackers, then for some filling, one can have a turkey sandwich, and an ounce of low fat cheese. A fruit is allowed with this course. If one prefers other option, a suggestion would be a pita roast beef sandwich, with vegetable sidings and a piece of fruit. Type 2 Diabetic dinner diets should be filling yet light. Food with high proteins such as fish, meat, or poultry should be the appropriate dinner. Broil this and baste with herbs and fresh lemon juice. Together with the meal, one can serve it together with vegetables, brown rice and small salad, and one can finish the meal with a dessert.
For snacks, it should consist of 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates and around 100 to 200 calories. Yogurt and fruit, berries, sugar-free chocolate pudding, cheese sticks and an apple or unbuttered popcorn are good options.
It is important to stick to this diet to control the blood sugar, it may be difficult at first but with new medication and discipline, the future may be sweet and rosy for diabetics.
In this eBook, you are going to learn the 21 Diabetic Myths that many people may have heard and learn the truth about each of them.
I hope you gain some benefit from reading this short eBook. Many of the myths worry folks when they first become diagnosed as a diabetic.