Your Feet During Pregnancy When You Have Diabetes
When a woman is suffering with diabetes and finds out that she is pregnant, she is going to be under more stress during the pregnancy than the average woman. She will need to take extra good care of herself and her new baby.
When a woman with diabetes is pregnant she does not need to ever forget how important it is for her to take really good care of her feet. Often times the feet go through some changes during a pregnancy but when you are diabetic it is important that your feet do not become damaged because of your risks for diabetic neuropathy.
Diabetic neuropathy is when your feet get ulcerations on them and you could very possibly lose all feeling sensations in your feet. This can occur before you ever become diagnosed the diabetes disease. Many people find out they are diabetic because of going to the doctor for foot conditions they are concerned about.
This type of foot condition is not normally caused by gestational diabetes in women. Be aware that once your pregnancy is over you may still become diabetic, so taking real good care of your feet is really important. Many times after the pregnancy the women’s feet do not go back to their same size as before.
Type 1 diabetics are affected more than type 2 diabetics by neuropathy. It is not known as to why this is happening. It is important that you do the proper research about diabetic neuropathy so that you will know what to look for before pregnancy and after you have had your baby.
Wearing tight fitting shoes is not good at all for your feet, always make sure that your shoes fit you the way they are supposed to at all times. If you do not then you are increasing your risks of being struck with diabetes neuropathy. Always make sure you wear shoes with the maximum support in them for your foots safety and protection.
When you have bathed or gone swimming, make sure you always remember to dry in between your toes, keeping them dry is important because moisture between your toes could put you at greater risk of infections and those infections could lead to neuropathy.
With neuropathy the foot loses its sensations because their are no longer any nerve endings. If you are considering soaking your feet, make sure that the water is not too hot. Because of lost sensations your foot can not feel if the water is too hot, this could lead to burns on your feet that could become infected. Keep a very close eye on your feet because any sign of rubbing or infection could turn into neuropathy.
If you are suffering from diabetes and you are concerned about the proper care for your feet just take a visit to your podiatrist and he will then be able to give you the proper information on treating feet with neuropathy, in case you are ever a victim of this type of pain and discomfort.
In this eBook, you are going to learn the 21 Diabetic Myths that many people may have heard and learn the truth about each of them.
I hope you gain some benefit from reading this short eBook. Many of the myths worry folks when they first become diagnosed as a diabetic.