How To Get Ripped Abs – Don’ Fall To Another Scam
Nowdays, if you’re trying to get six pack abs, you’ll be amazed by so many alternatives offered by the media: fitness machines and equipments, abs gadget, supplements, and guides with thousands of abs exercises in it.
If you’ve been trying to get your six pack abs shown for a while, maybe you’ve tested some of those ‘quick fix’ method and I’m pretty sure the result is far from the one promised in their advertisement.
Why they didn’t work? The reason is simple: every single one of them only focus on abs exercise. That may seem logical, but here’s the truth: abs exercises are NOT the answer to gain six pack abs. Here’s the shocking fact: exercises that focus on abs are the least important factor to gain six pack abs.
How come? Well, even if you already HAVE six pack abs, it will be BURIED beneath the layer of fat, thus it won’t be visible no matter how much abs training you do. Yes, I’m talking about belly fat, stomach fat, or whatever you call it. Your main concern now should be lowering your body fat percentage until your six pack abs visible. For men, it is about 10% body fat; as for women, 16-18% will be enough.
So, here’s the answer to the question “how to get abs”: good designed full body training program and good nutrition knowledge that aim for long term maintenance instead of fad diet that make you gain the weight back as soon as you lose it.
If you’ve accustomed with typical cardio routine that you can do while watching TV such as treadmill or stationary bicycle, doing weight training may seems like a lot of work. But know this: you’ll get significant result a lot faster by doing strength and weight training instead wasting time on fruitless cardio.
So, what kind of exercises that you’ll need to do?
Here’s a few example for beginners:
- Bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, step ups, and pushups.
- Dumbbell exercises like overhead presses.
- Body stabilizing exercises such as plank and stability ball exercises.
Strength and resistance training purpose are not only to train your muscle. Good designed strength training can also make you sweating, huffing and puffing, and increase your heart rate; this is a sign that you also train your cardiovascular system while doing strength training. Check examples of exercises that train both your muscle and cardiovascular system at top workout to get rid of stomach fat.
Also, when designing your training circuit, it is important to includes various exercises that focus on different body movements; with such circuit you’ll have high intensity fat burning exercises that works nearly every muscle in your body. Here’s a good circuit example:
- Mountain Climbers: 20-30 seconds.
- Dumbbell Squat and Presses (squat, then press overhead).
- Stability Ball Leg Curl-ins.
- Stability Ball Plank Holds.
The rules are put as little rest as you can between exercises and repeat the circuit several times before move to the next circuit.
Strength and resistance training are essential to get six pack abs, but they’re not the only answer to the question “how to get abs”. Nutrition knowledge holds the other half of the answer. Here are some things that you should put your priority into:
- Foods that not processed, preferably organic foods.
- Foods that rich in nutrient.
- Fruit and vegetables.
- Good portion of high quality protein in each meal.
- High fiber food for appetite control.
- Fat; get from healthy source: nut, seeds, wild fish, organic eggs, virgin oil, avocado, etc.
Getting six pack abs is not a big problem once you’ve grabbed the keys: good nutrition knowledge and strength training. By implementing these two properly, you’ll gain result a lot faster than the majority of the crowds that still rely on long boring cardio and tons of abs exercises.