Enjoying Gluten Free Pie Crust
Pies are probably the most popular dessert in human history and there is great reason for this: pies come in a multitude of varieties.
Often, when we think of all the different varieties of pies we think of flavors and brands and do not pay attention to the various ingredients that go into making the pies. This is not because we are lazy or ignorant. It is just that we categorize pies as a dessert and a ‘guilty’ pleasure and basically scoff off worrying about the ingredients that may be inside them.
This is unfortunate as such a lack of a critical eye towards pie products leads us to ingest a ton of impurities and processed ingredients that will send us on a fast road to obesity. Needless to say, when it comes to eating pies it may be somewhat wise to look for alternate products that have healthier ingredients.
Does this mean that it is being suggested to cease all pie eating duties? Of course not, it merely is a suggestion to look for healthier alternatives such as pies with gluten free pie crust.
Ok, some may be somewhat skeptical at this suggestion because whenever the word “free” rests next to a dessert product there is usually a concern that the product will be tasteless. Not so! In fact, there are a number of gluten free pie crust products that taste just as good as the more well known rivals.
Is A Gluten Free Pie Crust Beneficial?
Some may ask whether or not purchasing gluten free pie crust falls into the category of health consciences or alarmism. After all, how much harm can gluten cause? Well, there are enough serious concerns regarding gluten (it has been traced as a potential cause for ADHD) that one should give serious consideration to reducing gluten intake. As such, whatever item no matter how small should be reduced and this includes guilty pleasure dessert products such as pie.
Purchasing Gluten Free Pie Crust
If you wish to purchase a gluten free pie crust, you need to look at pie crusts that are clearly labeled gluten free, but you may have a little bit of trouble finding such items in a grocery chain store. Such chain stores sometimes do not adequately supply products that are gluten free. However, specialty stores such as Whole Food Market and Trader Joe’s do stock an ample supply of gluten free products and they may be the best destination for a gluten free shopping search.