Get Your Fatty Acids From Omega 3 Foods
Some people thought that omega 3 fatty acids only come from fish oil. However, you can include other sources of omega 3 fatty acids in your diet.
Omega 3 foods are often taken for granted since fish oils are largely advertised.
ALA, EPA, and DHA are the components of omega 3 that are most nutritionally beneficial. Studies show that the body can easily absorb these fatty acids when taken from food instead of supplement form.
Omega 3 foods are not just good for the heart, they are also help improve blood clot in the arteries, protect the arteries from hardening, improve symptoms of depression, reduce risks of developing serious diseases, improve blood sugar levels, and many others.
Omega 3 foods can be grouped according to the type of fatty acids that they contain.
Omega 3 foods with high EPA and DHA do not include fish. Many believe that fish from cold waters are richer in fatty acids. There are other fish varieties that have high omega 3 such as sardines, mackerel, lake trout, Albacore tuna, Atlantic herring, salmon and swordfish.
Since the human body cannot product ALA, it is essential to include omega 3 foods in the diet. Around 35% of ALA in food is converted to DHA and EPA. Foods that are rich in ALA include Brazil nuts, soybeans and soybean oil, soy nuts, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and olive oil.
Fruits, vegetables and beans that have high omega 3 should be included in your diet. Kidney beans, tofu, navy beans, winter and summer squash, raspberries, strawberries, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, collard greens and romaine lettuce are all good sources of fatty acids. Wheat germ, beef and free range chicken are also high in omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 foods that are rich in ALA are only dietary sources of fatty acids. It is advisable to cut down on trans and saturated fats since they can interfere with the conversion of ALA to DHA/EPA. By selecting the right foods, you’ll be able to absorb the right amounts of omega 3 fatty acids that your body needs.