Guide to Bad Cholesterol
I’m sure you’ve heard of cholesterol being referred to in two separate parts: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.
However, did you ever take the time to find out why and what is the difference between the two, because most people do not, and this is in fact one of the most important things in regards to the human health that anyone could know.
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is an important substance in our body, which is found in our blood stream and cells. The body needs cholesterol in order for it to be able to function well, and as well it contributes to number hormones and produces cell membrane.
The good cholesterol is also known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) because the same carries it in our blood stream. The reason this cholesterol is considered good is because it protects our heart from a stroke or any other such diseases. The right level for good cholesterol is a minimum of 40mg/dL or more.
Bad cholesterol, which is also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is bad because a high number of the same can clog in the arteries thus, provoking a heat attack or any other heart related diseases. The normal level of bad cholesterol is 200mg/dL or less in order not to pose a risk of any heart problems.
How you can Control and Lower Bad Cholesterol
If you already have high levels of the bad cholesterol then you can consult your doctor about an efficient drug that will help you lower it gradually. There are many cholesterol drugs that are available over the counter and many natural remedies as well. However, it is strongly suggested that you do not self medicate as some of the cholesterol drugs have serious side effects, which only your doctor can point out as he is familiar with your medical history and conditions.
If you have normal levels of good and bad cholesterol all you may want to do is ensure that you stay that way and you can do that by taking the following steps: eating healthy and exercising. Eating healthy includes food items that are low in saturated and trans fat as well as cholesterol.
Get in the habit of reading your food labels as they all have to provide all the above mentioned data by law and therefore it is easy for you to choose which food items are good and which are harmful for your health.
The food items that contain high levels of cholesterol are: egg yolks, poultry, meat, shellfish, butter and cheese.
Take a minute and learn about your good and bad cholesterol levels, monitor closely your food intake and that of your family making them aware as well of the importance of staying below the limits of the bad cholesterol. A few minutes of self-education can save your life or one of your family member’s.