You Are In Control With Organic Baby Food Recipes
Going organic these days can be a major lifestyle choice simply because truly organic foods cost a little more and a wide selection may not be as readily available in your local grocery stores. However, it is well worth your peace of mind knowing that what you are consuming is toxin-free and totally healthy. The same can be said when it comes to organic baby food recipes because you would want your baby to enjoy the same healthy lifestyle as you.
Baby Basics
Of course, it must be said that breast milk is the ultimate food of choice for babies up to about six months of age or formula when breast milk is not an option. However, once baby is ready to branch out into other foods, you need some basic tips for organic baby food recipes. For instance, you do not want to mix different foods together; instead start baby with one food at a time for a few days. This move will help you gauge your baby’s reaction to foods to evaluate any possible allergies.
The key to successful organic baby food recipes is in the preparation as well as your beginning food choices. First of all, babies should be started on simple vegetables and fruits while holding off on dairy products and heavy proteins like meat. Apples, carrots, green beans, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes and squash are popular with babies’ palate. Peel the outer skin off the vegetable or fruit before steaming them. Once the food is soft, use a food processor or blender to process it until smooth. Of course, naturally soft foods like bananas do not need steaming for any organic baby food recipes.
The best grains to introduce to your young baby in the beginning stages of “solid” foods include brown rice and barley. When you are preparing more involved organic baby food recipes that require the mixing of several ingredients, adding one of these grains with a fruit or vegetable is often suggested to add not only variety but additional nutritional value. As babies get older and develop teeth, you can venture forth by adding some protein like chicken and pork – and remember meat gets the same attention with the food processor as vegetables and fruits.
If you are a super busy parent and cannot stop to make baby food for each meal, consider frozen organic baby food. You can either follow your organic baby food recipes and then freeze meals in bulk or look to the frozen food aisle of your health or whole foods market for them. Thanks to the increasing market share of organics, particularly in baby food, you are likely to see more and more choices as time goes on in the frozen food section. The good news about frozen organic food for babies is that it will taste fresh and have the same nutritional value.
Overall, organic baby food recipes are rather simple as long as you follow a few simple rules such as trying one food at a time before incorporating new foods into the mix. The reward for your extra efforts in going organic is a happy, healthy baby.