How Body Fat Impacts Your Health
No matter what weight loss retreats or fitness workout programs you may participate in, even the best weight loss diet will not be successful if your body fat isn’t focused. Body fat is a part of the body that seems to interest almost everybody. For some, it is a topic of humor. For others, it is an obsession. Fat is part of everyone’s anatomy, but takes on a higher level of significance to certain people. The following is a brief discussion of questions and answers about body fat. We will try to describe what body fat is, why we have it, and how it can affect our bodies, both positively and negatively.
I’m not so sure that I know what body fat actually is. Can you give me an accurate definition?
Body fat is nothing more than extremely loose tissue made up of adiposities, and it is a connective tissue. Body fat’s main role is to store energy. It can also cushion and insulate the body. Two main types of fat exist in mammals. One is white adipose tissue and the other is brown adipose tissue. Fatty tissue is usually located beneath the skin, but fat can also surround internal organs to provide adequate padding. The resourcefulness of body fat is exemplified by the fact that it can also provide high levels of nutrients to the body. It is helpful to think of it as an important reserve of nutrients often used by the body.
I always thought that body fat was simply the stuff hanging over people’s belts. Isn’t it?
That type of body fat, the kind that can hang from an obese person’s belt, is becoming more common, especially in Western countries. Yes, that is fat, but it is important to realize that it is not the only form of body fat. Body fat can actually be a good thing for people, nut due to the negative images we associate with the word “fat”, people have closed their minds to the possibility that fat is a beneficial product of our bodies. As mentioned, body fat helps protect both our inner organs and keeps us warm and safe from the elements. The ability to distinguish between fat that is good for you and fat that indicates an unhealthy situation is paramount to a healthy life. If you don’t know if you are healthy or not, consult a doctor.
I’ve heard that it’s possible to measure your own body fat at home. Is this true?
Yes. If you own a body fat scale, you can quickly determine if you have more fat than you need. This type of scale uses something called the Bioelectrical Impedance method to measure the percentage of body fat. It sounds fancy, but here is what happens: A very low-level current passes through your body. Your body’s opposition to the current determines what percentage of fat your body has. This information combines with info regarding your weight and additional factors to calculate your overall body fat percentage. Unfortunately, though, your impedance level can be swayed by the amount of water you drink or your body’s temperature. Not eating or drinking for 4 hours before your test will help solve this problem.
What role does genetics play in a person’s level of body fat?
Unfortunately, those who struggle to keep off high levels of body fat are sometimes genetically inclined to do so. Research has shown a definitive correlation between cases of excess body fat and family members who share the same problem. The simple truth is that if your parents or grandparents were obese or even larger than they should have been, you are more likely to have issues regarding fat. Even more surprisingly, appetite seems to be genetically determined. What we eat and how much we eat is often similar to the diets of our family members. One additional factor affected by genetics is the body’s ability to metabolize food. This affects how our body responds to fatty foods. While it is true that genetics matter, they should not be an excuse for neglecting responsibility when it comes to one’s health.
What else do I need to know about food and body fat?
Food is the only source of energy your body has. If you think of it that way, you will realize how important it is to eat the right foods and exercise on a consistent basis. Food filled with carbohydrates is your main energy source. Simply put, if you happen to take in more energy than you need or use, your body will have no choice but to store it as fat. Your best source of fat comes from foods like fish, vegetables, and nuts. Additionally, your body must have protein to help fuel the fat-burning process. This protein comes from valuable sources such as eggs, meat, and poultry. As you can see, your body’s fat and your overall health are greatly affected by every single thing you ingest. Knowing this should inspire you to eat better.