How to Lose the Spare tire
Firstly, having an extra spare tire around your abdominal region isn’t great for your heart. Heart attacks are one of the biggest killers in today’s world. A decadent society is largely to blame for this. So if you really want to live for as long as you can, it’s important to concentrate on fat loss.
The second reason is something that not so many people know about. Have you ever heard of visceral fat? This is the fat inside your body. The fat that surrounds your vital organs. It is when we consider visceral fat that abdominal fat loss really becomes important.
While we do require some visceral fat to survive, the vast majority of people in our modern day societies have way too much of this abdominal fat than they really need. I heard some facts the other day that scared me. Over 67% of Australian adults are overweight or obese. It is this reason that it is more important than ever to concentrate on abdominal fat loss.
So what to do? Fortunately, what needs to be done is very simple on paper. Eat better, exercise more and voila, problem solved. However, that statistic of 67% proves that it is not easy. I think a problem that a lot of people have is not knowing how to fix their problem.
And this all comes back to education. Which is one of the main reasons I created this site in the first place. If you look around a little bit, you should be able to find all the information you need to get on the fast track of abdominal fat loss.
I’ll quickly go through my own “formula” for fat loss and achieving the body you have always wanted. Firstly, you have to get your diet in check. If you can’t complete this step, don’t bother about the next couple of steps. Get rid of all the junky, rubbish foods in your cupboard and replace them with good, wholesome foods.
Secondly, you need to make sure you are doing plenty of cardio. As well as getting your diet in check, you will want to be making sure you burn off as many calories as you can. This will ensure that you turn your body into a fat burning machine.
And finally, you must make sure you start training with weights, if you haven’t already. While it may not directly affect your abdominal fat loss, it will definitely help it in the long run. By building muscle, you really do turn your body into a fat burning machine
I hope you now realize the dangers of abdominal fat and I hope you have been inspired to do something about it, if it is a problem for you.