Foot Stress Fracture Treatment
A fracture of the foot bone, or a damaged foot, if it is a foot stress fracture or a rather more harsh break due to a dramatic experience; will, commonly, heal on its own.
Unlike other bones in the body, with a stress fracture in foot the metatarsal bones are not thrown out of alignment. As a result putting a cast of any type round the bone is not necessary in order to freeze the bone and keep it in line.
Due to this, a foot stress fracture is far easier for a victim to live with during the time required for recovery for the foot stress fracture. Having said this though, the broken or damaged foot should not be put under further duress by engaging in activities that would put unjustified amounts of pressure on the front of the foot.
Also , for girls, during the time to recovery for a foot stress fracture, high heeled shoes that would also put too much force on the front of the foot, should additionally be evaded.
In reality for the recovery time of a metatarsal stress fracture, a comfy pair of trainers are a sensible choice during the approximate 3 week recovery timescale.
One note to make here is that any kind of ultrasound treatment is certainly not advised for any foot stress fracture treatment. The ultrasound waves appear to appear to interfere with the natural healing process of the bone and can even cause further foot pain.
If you've been diagnosed as having having a metatarsal stress fracture, exercising a bit of patience is the best treatment until the bone has had an opportunity to naturally heal itself. So , don’t rush the recovery process of a foot stress fracture by becoming too active to soon, or putting on those high-heeled shoes again; else you risk pushing back the time required for recovery of your broken foot another week or two.
Learn what to do about a metatarsal stress fracture and all of the treatments for foot pain and sore feet.