Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery – Post Operative Symptoms To Watch Out For
Lasik corrective eye surgery is a big step for many people but the one common theme following the procedure is how beneficial it has been for many patients.
Sure, there are risks involved but that is the case with any type of surgery and this aspect is usually covered in detail during the pre-surgery stage with your doctor. Lasik corrective eye surgery is a relatively quick procedure and in the main, the benefits can certainly outweigh the risks.
Apart from the actual surgery itself, the recovery phase is extremely important and patients need to follow the advice of their doctor to the letter. In this article, we will look at some of the post operative experiences you can expect and some of the things which could affect you during this period.
Post Operative Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery
Following surgery, it’s not just a matter of heading home and resuming normal life. There is a recovery period and in some cases, it could extend for months. It all depends on the severity of the surgery.
For example, dry eye may be a problem and eye drops will be prescribed in most cases. You don’t want to ignore using eye drops if your doctor has suggested they will be of help. Here are other recovery issues to look out for:
– If the doctor has applied a protective covering to the eye make sure you wear it. Irritants such as hair or bacteria could get into the eye and cause a lot of discomfort, possibly even infection. If you have pets, try to keep them away from him during these first few days to prevent any stray animal hairs from finding their way to his eye.
– Be aware of any stinging sensation which could be present following surgery. Let your doctor know. Many patients have reported this stinging which is usually caused by sand or dirt particles. If it causes major discomfort your doctor could prescribe medication to deal with it.
– Some patients could be sensitive to light so keeping the home a little darker than normal can provide relief. Wearing dark glasses when venturing outside may also help in coping with light irritation.
– Driving should not be attempted even for those patients who haven’t been unduly affected during the port operative stage. At least driving shouldn’t be attempted for a few days. It’s all about cutting down the risks and giving yourself the best chance of a full and incident-free recovery.
– Make sure you keep your post operative appointments with your doctor. These are vitally important as even though the surgery appears to have gone through without a hitch, these appointments are maintenance based and if there are any problems you are not aware of, your doctor will usually find them.
– It’s also a good idea to make some notes on your recovery phase following Lasik corrective eye surgery. These will be a good indicator for your doctor and they can act on anything you record that’s out of the ordinary.