Acne Medications – Getting Your Way Out of the Problem
When an individual has acne problems, he thinks of the various possibilities of getting rid of them. It is sometimes a hindrance that when one has acne, he does not want to go for consultation and opts to stay with the home remedies.
But there are realities to consider in taking acne medications. There are two types from which acne medication is subdivided – prescription and over-the-counter. These regimens have steps to follow and could help you achieve lasting results.
Prescription acne medication
This type of acne medication as it name connotes, require prescription from your dermatologist. This is done because these drugs have certain dosages that only your dermatologist has the right to convey to you. Some of these prescriptive drugs include:
· Adapalene. This is a gel applied once a day and is known to slow down accumulation of skin cells inside the follicle that may cause clogging of the pores.
· Clindamycin. This type of acne medication is usually in the form of a solution, gel or a lotion and is applied twice a day. This helps kill the bacteria causing acne.
· Erythromycin. This is an antibiotic which may come in the form of a gel or ointment. The solution is applied twice a day, once in the morning and in the evening. It has a component that helps treat bacterial infection.
· Tretinoin. This is a combined retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It may come in the form of creams, gels and liquids and should be applied in the skin once daily. Its component keeps pores clear and is capable of increasing the phase at which skin cells are replaced.
Over-the-counter acne medication
Over-the-counter acne medications are readily available in drugstores around any place. You do not have to present any prescription to the pharmacist when you buy these types of acne medication. Included in the list of OTC acne medications are:
· Benzoyl Peroxide. This type of OTC medication may also be a prescriptive drug. Just like clindamycin, it contains an anti-bacterial agent that kills the acne cause hence, preventing acne breakout.
· Salicylic Acid. This is often found in pads and is used to help prevent the clogging of the pores. It strikes both blackheads and whiteheads which are two of the primary causes of acne.
· Sulfur. It has peeling and drying capabilities which aids in targeting acne and is usually found in soaps and creams. Use of the product however is moderated as it may cause cell adhesion.
· Resorcinol. This agent is sometimes combined with other OTC medications. It helps breakdown rough and hard skin.
Using acne medications may sometimes cause redness, itchiness and burning of the skin. It is best to do things in accordance with doctor’s advice and package inserts in order to protect you from the damages of misuse of the product.