Acne Rosacea Problem With Adults
Acne Rosacea is a problem for most adults, especially women. Prescribed medicines and conventional treatments do not ensure permanent cure for acne rosacea. Today, more and more medical practitioners are relying on natural products, especially emu oils that are effective in treating rosacea and keep the skin healthy.
Research conducted over the years suggests that acne rosacea is caused by a bacterium named Mycoplasma. Pharmaceutical company Featherstone has come out with two new products especially to deal with acne rosacea, namely, RoZaSha-10™ and RoZaSha-Caps™. The former soothes the skin irritation while the latter targets the bacteria. Both the products offer internal as well as external solutions to rosacea.
Acne rosacea not only affects the skin but also the eyes. There is no particular root cause of acne rosacea, but it is aggravated by repeated exposure to sun. Generally, adults in their mid 30s to mid 60s suffer from this acne problem, with the fairer sex likely to be affected more by the problem. Though it is assumed that fair skin people are likely to suffer more from acne rosacea, studies have shown that it is likely to affect both the fair and dark skin equally. The dark skin hides the symptoms more easily than the fair skin.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Acne rosacea causes redness, flushing inflammation, pimples and other skin irritations. Change in climatic conditions, psychological and mental stress, gastrointestinal problem can cause acne rosacea. Studies have also proved that people belonging to low temperature areas are likely to suffer more from this acne problem. Acne rosacea can spread all over the neck region and can be major source of embarrassment if not cured in time. Having a proper diet can help a lot in lessening the effects of this problem.
The most distinguishable feature of acne rosacea from acne vulgaris is the absence of comedones. Rosacea can affect the eyes as well and is called ocular rosacea. In extreme cases, the acne problem has to be surgically treated. The sensation of something being in the eye, burning, watering are some of the symptoms of ocular rosacea. Rosacea Keratitis is even more serious form of acne which affects less than 30% of the patients suffering from the problem. Rhinophyma affects the nose and is more commonly known as drinkers’ nose.
Cure for rosacea is available in the form of gels, lotions and even antibiotic tablets. Cure for rosacea usually contains dosages of oral tetracycline though other chemical contents are also used to cure the problem though not permanently. Rosacea cream is very effective and is also a natural product. The cream reduces the facial redness and soothes the inflammation. It promotes healthy cellular regeneration and reduces the swelling to a considerable extent.