Free Little Known Info About Acne & Sulfer
It appears as though sulfur has always been known to have a curative effect on acne. The nineteenth century does record doctors employing sulfur for the treatment of the condition by attempting to dry the skin by it, while the early twentieth realizes the curative Benzoyl Peroxide. This notwithstanding, not everyone is yet able to stand cured by the available medication. I suppose it just goes to show how different people really are from each other. What works for one person as far as acne is concerned might not work for another.
There is no way you have not heard of ‘Accutane’, a form of Isotretinoin. Certainly as an American you must have heard of Retin A, which was this way being produced en masse for treating acne. The success of the product was so profound that it was almost a heart breaker to see the development of laser treatment as a replacement.
A specialist would probably be the first to tell you that there is no hard and fast rule to curing acne. This is one skin condition that has been around since as far back as man can remember, and has yet not found one overall cure. Whereas there have been impressive developments in the past, and that of the laser with today’s technology, the fact still stands that you are better off attempting to cure your case of acnes with more than one approach.
Acne is certainly a rather resilient skin infection. It is not hard to tell that it is caused by blockages to the pores of your skin, thereby resulting in inflammation. What is difficult to understand is how merely cleaning up the pores does not cure the condition. There have been a large number of approaches in solving the problem, but although there are people who walked away with skins as clean as that of a baby, there have also been more than a few who left disappointed. There must still be a lot for man to learn about the condition.