Juvenile Diabetes And Type 1 Diabetes Is The Same
Whenever a person’s body becomes incapable of breaking down glucose it causes impairment in the person’s metabolism leading to occurrence of diabetes. A diabetic person suffers from elevated levels of blood sugar which occurs on account of the fact that unprocessed glucose remains in the bloodstream thereby creating a number of serious health problems. The diabetes problem is in fact growing worse by the year and it is estimated that in a single year in the US as many as thirty thousand plus individuals become diabetic and the figure worldwide as far as numbers of diabetics is concerned stands at more than one hundred and twenty million diabetics.
Chronic By Nature
Juvenile diabetes is considered a disorder that is chronic by nature and which is caused whenever the body is unable to properly manage the glucose present in it. This inability to properly handle glucose can lead to difficulties in breaking down the glucose which then means that the unbroken down glucose cannot be absorbed by the body’s cells and remains in the blood stream leading to diabetes.
There is no difference between juvenile diabetes and Type 1 diabetes though the reason why one condition is termed juvenile diabetes and not Type 1 diabetes is because the problem when it occurs in childhood needs to be differentiated from adult diabetes. In a vast majority of cases, children suffering from juvenile diabetes need to get insulin shots to help break down the glucose.
The study of juvenile diabetes has shown that it is in fact a condition that is considered autoimmune disorder which in turn is characterized by a weakened immune system that is somehow instructed to fight its own defenses. It is therefore in your best interests to understand what the common juvenile diabetes symptoms are so that you know what to look for and also what to do in case you find your blood sugar levels rising dangerously. The typical symptoms include feeling thirsty far too often for your own good and you might also take to urinating too frequently for your own good. These are of course symptoms that are common to diabetes though these very symptoms are in fact also common to juvenile diabetes.
To control juvenile diabetes requires cutting out sugar from your diet and you also need to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle. To find the cure for juvenile diabetes requires conducting extensive research. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is leading the way in conducting research on the problem and it also has a global agenda to help people find out how to deal with their diabetes condition. In addition, this foundation also leads the way in raising funds for diabetes research and it is also constantly advocating safe methods which can help others succeed in avoiding having to learn that they have become the next diabetes victim.
In this eBook, you are going to learn the 21 Diabetic Myths that many people may have heard and learn the truth about each of them.
I hope you gain some benefit from reading this short eBook. Many of the myths worry folks when they first become diagnosed as a diabetic.