Protective Gear You Need for an Coronavirus Outbreak
It’s no longer a “maybe” now – COVID-19 coronavirus is here. The outbreak first started in Wuhan, China, but cases have been identified in 185 other international locations, including the United States. Millions have been infected across the world and over 200,000 have died.
Imported cases of COVID-19 in travelers have been detected in the U.S. Person-to-person spread of COVID-19 also has been seen among close contacts of returned travelers from Wuhan. There is also community spread in many areas while efforts to contain or mitigate the virus continues across the United States.
Consider all the people escaping China in the early days of the outbreak. Some of those came to the U.S. before widespread screening was done. Fortunately, President Trump shut down travel between China and U.S. pretty early in the pandemic and likely prevented a more widespread infection.
As with the CDC change of guidance with face masks, they are learning new things about this virus regularly Despite assurances that the disease is spread only through direct contact with bodily fluids, the disease has refuted that statement in the way it has shown up in people who had no direct contact in that manner.
Assurances are continually being made by those in charge because they don’t want to create a widespread panic. And you shouldn’t panic. But neither should you sit back and simply hope for the best.
You need to be prepared and take charge of your own protection and preventative care. When a pandemic breaks out, it’s important that you have protective gear on hand. Once the emergency happens, it will be very difficult to get what you actually need – so it’s crucial that you’re prepared ahead of time.
Gloves are essential for allowing you to touch people and surfaces that might be covered in virus. But not those flimsy household gloves that you can buy in a grocery store. Those barely hold up at all and they tear much too easily to offer any kind of decent protection.
You need heavy duty gloves that are made to exam standards. That’s why the Dynarex Black Nitrile Exam Gloves gloves are in high demand. Anyone can use these gloves – even those who have a latex sensitivity. You’ll want to purchase multiple sizes of non-latex gloves. Even if you’re not currently allergic to latex, it’s important to note that a latex allergy can develop at any time.
N95 Masks
One of the best ways you can use to avoid breathing in the virus is by using a respirator mask. Without one, you can breathe in the exhalation pathogen from an COVID-19 stricken person if he or she sneezes into the air. Respirator masks are designed to keep out pathogens that can enter the body through the mouth or nose. By blocking these pathogens, you increase your protection against deadly viruses.
But it’s important that you get a mask that’s actually rated to prevent viruses from passing. Viruses are very small and a simple cloth mask or surgical mask isn’t enough for protection. This was the guidance from the CDC just a few weeks ago. They have since reversed that advice and now CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. Apparently, their so-called science has changed at the CDC and numerous jurisdictions are now requiring citizens to wear masks when in public.
The politics may change but the science doesn’t. Simple cloth masks as recommended by the CDC and surgical masks are not going to protect you from the Wahun coronavirus. You might feel better and think you’re safer wearing them, but that’s about all.
If you really want to protect yourself from infection and if you can find them, you’ll want to purchase N95 masks that are rated to keep viruses out. The 3M 8511 Particulate N95 Respirator with Valve is one example made by a company that knows how to deal with contaminants. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has given the nod of approval for this mask. That means that this product was tested for its efficiency and showed an excellence in its ability to protect the people who wear it.
Most of these masks are not reusable, so you’ll need to have a large supply on hand in various sizes for the members of your family.
Eye Protection
One way that disease is spread is through contact with the eyes. The eyes don’t offer the same protection that the rest of your skin does. If you come in contact with a virus and then touch your eyes, the virus can be delivered directly to your bloodstream.
Some masks also offer eye protection, but if you don’t have that type of mask, you at least want to have goggles. Contaminants can get in through your eyes because your eyes are mucous membranes. You need top quality goggles like the DEWALT DPG82-11C Concealer Clear Anti-Fog Dual Mold Safety Goggle. This one offers superior protection. It’s also important to develop the habit of washing your hands before touching your eyes at any time.
Biohazard Suits
The most expensive (but important) thing you can purchase is a biohazard suit. This is a suit that protects you from head to toe when you’re going into an area that’s heavily affected by a pandemic. These suits are reusable, but must be sanitized properly before taking them off.
You’ll only need one suit per member of your family, but you need to make sure it fits properly. It’s a good idea to go through your supply every year and evaluate to see if you need to purchase additional sizes.
Booties are disposable covers for your shoes that help you to prevent tracking in disease on your feet. They’re usually one size fits all, so you can purchase several boxes of one size for your home.
The shoe covers protect you from contaminates and protect you from tracking germs into your home that can put you or your family at risk. You can buy these in boxes of 100 and keep them by your front door.
These are sewn rather than being glued and that makes these shoe covers more durable and more protective. It also makes them tougher. They’re elastic around the opening so they’re able to fit on any shoe size. Another plus is that they’re latex free.