Should You Get a Flu Vaccination?
I will be the first to say contracting the flu is no fun and I certainly wouldn’t wish it on anybody.
I suggest it might be better to prevent catching the flu virus than to suffer the consequences and then start treatment.
The Scaremongerers among the mainstream media are again busy creating a flu “crisis” this year with a big boost from the Chinese SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. This will cause the masses to panic to the point of descending upon hospital emergency rooms for flu symptoms. Remember the “flatten-the-curve” narrative we heard so much during the coronavirus crisis? It’s primary basis behind the propaganda was supposedly to reduce the chance of hospitals being overwhelmed. The result was not only were hospitals NOT overwhelmed, most were empty and the health care professionals working there were furloughed.
The media loves hyping up the dangers, especially focusing on all those people who die from the virus each year. But, is that really true and should you really be concerned?
What they don’t tell you is that most of those deaths are among people that ALREADY have a diminished immune system. In the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic we learned it was most deadly among those with have serious underlying medical conditions. That’s why many of the deaths are among the very young and very old… those with weak immune systems. They don’t die from the flu, they die from pneumonia or other complications that arise when they get sick with the flu.
On the other hand, if you have a strong immune system, you’re not likely at risk of death. Yeah, you might suffer a period of not feeling well, but hey… that’s life.
Marketing Vaccines
The CDC is engaged in the marketing of annual vaccination of the entire population. That’s the game, you see: Convince people they need an annual flu shot just to stay healthy. Public health officials upped their ante following the mandatory shut downs across America in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, warning citizens their economies would not fully open again and get back to normal until a vaccine is developed and most Americans are vaccinated.
It’s a complete marketing con, of course, but it’s necessary to keep the flu vaccine profit machine humming along.
The manufacturers of the flu vaccine is happy to sell their drugs and making them accessible to anyone which makes it very profitable for them. Finding a vaccination clinic nearest you is just as easy as picking up the phone or searching for a website. Most clinics have regular schedules for your convenience and are more than willing to answer any inquiry you might have. Clinics are very supportive in providing complete schedules and services that are available to you.
If you are experiencing the flu, it is advised not to visit any vaccine clinic as you may be a carrier and the source of further spreading the virus.
The antiviral drug Tamiflu is what is often given for those suffering the flu. You should be aware that despite it’s approval by the US Food and Drug Administration, it is facing growing international criticism for its deadly side effects.
Since Tamiflu’s, known generically as oseltamivir approval in 1999, several suicide deaths and incidents of bizarre side effects have been recorded.
The effectiveness of Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu in treating flu complications in healthy adults can’t be determined because the Swiss drugmaker wouldn’t supply data from eight studies, an independent research group said.
We’re being told in the corporate mainstream media that being on the defensive (getting a flu shot) is a good way to make sure that you and your family are not at risk of catching the flu virus.
Viruses are forever evolving, and the currently available flu vaccines don’t always match the current virus. The drug manufacturers make an attempt to update their vaccines each year, but are usually too late to address the current strain.
The CDC is essentially running a criminal marketing racket to falsely push vaccines as the solution even though flu vaccines simply don’t work. For every 100 people vaccinated against the winter flu, by the way, 99 of them will experience no difference whatsoever in their flu outcomes. Even using the industry’s own best evidence, flu vaccines are no more than one percent effective at actually preventing the flu – and that’s only during the first few months before they “fade out.”
So, why the big push for flu vaccines?
While the government is happy to exert their power to ensure that the general public are protected from the virus and to supposedly stop it from spreading. They tell us, for example, the only way we can counter this deadly virus is to be well equipped by taking your seasonal flu vaccine today.
The government doesn’t necessarily care about the negative effects of the vaccination, but they do invest millions of dollars to ensure as many people as possible receive vaccines every year. They say they care because they want you healthy, but evidence shows not only do they not care, but vaccinations aren’t a good way to maintain health.
The Alliance for Natural Health reports that the federal government has recently invested $400 million towards developing vaccines and similar drugs. This money is going to the Big Pharma companies of Novartis, Lonza, and GlaxoSmithKline, among others. They recently gave Sanofi Pasteur $77.4 million to retrofit their vaccine plant, far less than the company is putting towards the changes themselves. They’re doling out taxpayer money and giving it to these companies who hide behind what they call “prevention” and “preparedness,” never minding the fact that the effects of these vaccines are highly questionable and the flu vaccine still contains mercury—one of the most toxic substances on the planet.
Though they maintain vaccines are safe, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has “issued decisions in favor of plaintiffs who were hurt by the flu vaccine”. They don’t want you to know about that though. They ignore the numbers which show an increase in adverse reactions to flu vaccines. They disregard research that shows people who received the flu shot were actually more likely to develop H1N1 than those who didn’t. They whitewash it all and urge everyone to get the injections.
The vaccine industry is just another money-making, good-ol’-boy network of “Crony Capitalism”. It isn’t about your health or the “preparedness” of the nation for an outbreak. It’s about money. It’s about lining the pockets of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry at any cost—including if that cost is your life or that of your child.
While the so-called experts tell us the only way to prevent the flu is their annual flu vaccinations, I would suggest you would be better protected if your immune system were strengthened.
And, this is another little secret the CDC absolutely does not want you to know: If you skip the vaccine, boost your vitamin D intake, and encounter the flu naturally, you will build your own lifetime antibodies against the infection.
At the end of the day, you have to decide if the flu vaccination is right for you. As for me, I will not get the shot, nor have I in many years.
Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccines