Basic Hypoglycemia Symptoms That People Must Know
Hypoglycemia is a medical condition that needs prompt relief for many good reasons.Hypoglycemia as a medical condition occurs when blood sugar falls below normal levels; this article would help you identify its different symptoms.When hypoglycemia symptoms are detected as early as possible, relief can be provided to arrest the condition from becoming life-threatening. If an individual feels dizzy and unable to think while operating machinery, this can definitely cause accident which is life-threatening for him and other people around.There are basic hypoglycemia symptoms that must be promptly identified for immediate treatment according to web md:
1) Hunger
2) Light headedness
3) Rapid heart beat
4) Sweating
5) Cold skin
6) Irritability
These hypoglycemia symptoms are common when blood sugar level goes below 70 mg/DL. In the case of reactive hypoglycemia, people experience such symptoms a few hours after eating a carbohydrate rich meal. Interestingly,it can still dip to a lower level if the person does not consume any quick relief such as glucose pills or eat sweet food. One way of preventing hypoglycemia symtpoms from worsening is by drinking regular soda which has lots of sugar. Even a cup of orange juice with sugar can be very helpful to bring back blood sugar level to normal.If you want to altogether avoid hypoglycemia from happening,then always eat a light snack and candies from time to time.
When severe hypoglycemia strikes, the brain releases large amounts of epinephrine , a hormone responsible for causing major hypoglycemia symptoms. Hypoglycemia can worsen once the glucose supply to the brain becomes critically low. This low level means 55mg/dL or even lower which can have severe effects that can lead to seizures and coma.Even simple symptoms such as dizziness, inability to think and confusion indicate the need for prompt medical attention.
Hypoglycemia can occur when a person suffers from diabetes; however, several types of this condition can also happen without diabetes.The best recourse is to consult a doctor once you have detected any of these hypoglycemia symptoms. Keep in mind that arresting hypoglycemia as soon as you can can prevent serious health risks.
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