Proper Nutrition For Muscle Gain & Fat Loss
Bodybuilding can be defined as the pursuit of lean muscle mass. The importance of a proper diet to accomplish this goal cannot be understated.
In fact, many experts argue that diet can account for up to 90% of a person’s success at building their body. Fortunately, there is an easy-to-follow meal plan that works like magic to burn fat and gain muscle.
We like to adhere to the KISS (keep it simple, smart guy) principle when it comes to meal plans. So let’s not going to get too technical. We’re just going to lay it out for you. First of all, you should eat smaller meals, 5-6 times per day, 2 ½ -3 hours apart. This will keep your metabolism going and provide your muscles (stimulated by short, intense workouts) fed with nutrients required for growth. These meals will consist of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
You need to eat regularly every 3 hours, which will mean eating 5 to 6 meals a day. By eating small but frequent meals you ensure that your muscles are receiving a constant flow of protein and nutrients, whilst at the same time controlling your blood sugar levels. Digesting food is thermogenic process, which involves the burning calories and the more muscle you build the more calories are required to maintain the muscle. Another reason to eat small meals is simply you ensure that you do not overload your digestive system. Do not forget when we say 5 to 6 meals we do not mean banquets, 1 meal can simply be a tuna sandwich and protein shake. This advice comes from nearly all the top bodybuilding coaches including Sean Nalewanyj.
You need high quality lean protein to gain muscle mass. Whey protein is the preferred source and the most biologically pure. Other good sources of protein are eggs, all white meats and tuna. Research states that you require at least 1 gram of protein for every 1lb of body weight in your bodybuilding diet so do not under measure yourself.
One of the most beneficial bodybuilding supplement is whey protein.
This is considered to be the highest grade of protein and since protein is the building block for muscles it only makes sense that whey protein can help in this endeavor.
Here’s a fact that may surprise you. Whey protein actually contains some of the same ingredients that are found in a mother’s natural milk. This is one of the main reasons you find whey protein in bay formulas. It’s good for the body.
The big benefit for weightlifters revolves around the fact that whey protein provides many important nutrients; especially the much needed amino acids. As a result whey protein is valuable to repairing and rebuilding the muscles after a strenuous workout. For this reason whey protein is a fantastic bodybuilding supplement.